We’re delighted to share that Coastal has been accredited for its current efforts to protect the environment but many more positive changes are still to come.

Green walls at 85 The kingsway

Coastal was recently awarded SHIFT Silver accreditation following an independent audit of our business against environmental targets.

SHIFT is the sustainability standard for the housing sector and carries out audits across the UK. Coastal outperformed 24 of the last 40 organisations audited by SHIFT, winning particular praise for the energy efficiency of our new and existing homes, as well as our work to prevent fuel poverty. We have recently built new eco-homes in Gower and Llandarcy and installed the first green walls in Swansea city centre as part of an upgrade to 85 Kingsway.

“This was our first environmental audit with SHIFT”, says Coastal’s Chief Executive Debbie Green, “so it was really about establishing a baseline we can use to measure our future, planned improvements.

“Sustainability has always been a key consideration for us at Coastal and we take individual and collective responsibility for limiting our environmental impact wherever possible, so it’s gratifying to see that recognised.”

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