Community Safety

The Community Safety Team work alongside residents and partners to help you find what’s strong in your community

Our Community Safety Team

Coastal aspires to enable residents to live good lives in confident communities. You told us that what matters to you is: 

  • To feel safe inside and outside of my home – both me and my visitors
  • To enjoy peace and quiet
  • To be kept informed if I’ve raised concerns and for staff to be proactive
  • To have respectful neighbours
  • To have a healthy quality of life

In response to that, we introduced a Community Safety Team to work alongside residents on all matters related to community safety, including: 

  • Supporting residents to build and maintain positive relationships with neighbours 
  • Partnership working with other agencies eg. Police, Environmental Health etc, to prevent and manage Anti-Social Behaviour, achieve positive resolutions and develop thriving communities 
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Safeguarding

Whilst we encourage all residents to build and maintain positive relationships with neighbours.  If needed, we will work closely with you, your neighbours and your wider community to respond to concerns of anti-social behaviour, at the earliest opportunity.  The Community Safety Team will do this in a way that supports everyone involved. 

You can also look on Dewis Cymru or Infoengine for information on finding help and support in your area.

The Community Safety Team are:

  • Louisa James
    Senior Community Safety Officer
  • Bethan Jones
    Community Safety Officer
  • Emma Denyer
    Community Safety Officer
  • Kirsty Thomas
    Community Safety Officer

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