Coastal is progressing a planned merger with RHA to create a new organisation.

We want to create a 10,000 home organisation for the future; one which constantly raises the bar to deliver improved services and homes for residents.

We’ll have increased capacity and resilience to deliver a greater number of new, high-quality homes each year. We’re focused on growth and investment in existing homes and services, and we also want to create a more resilient organisation with a wider geographical reach.

There are strong, shared values across Coastal and RHA and we’re excited to explore creating a new, combined organisation which can have an even greater impact across the communities within which we operate and beyond.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback or attended one of our events. All information will be shared with our Board when they consider whether to proceed with the proposed merger. 

Merger FAQ

What does this mean for residents?

If this proposal goes ahead your landlord would remain the same. The terms and conditions of your Occupation Contract or lease would not be changed because of the merger. The merger would not affect your rent or service charge.

Why are you merging?

The key drivers for the proposed merger have been jointly identified as:

· To be in the strongest position to meet the challenges and expectations for housing associations in the coming years

· To achieve increased capacity for growth and greater organisational resilience

· To maintain and improve the quality of homes and services to residents by combining our resources and expertise

· To maintain and improve our community regeneration work

· To enable greater capacity and resilience to learn, explore and develop new and enhanced services for residents

· To be an employer of choice, able to recruit and retain talented skilled colleagues

Would my rent or service charge be affected?

No, the merger would not affect your rent or service charge. We would continue to review charges every year, as we do now, in line with your current occupation contract or lease. Rent increases would only be made in line with guidance and requirements issued by the Welsh Government (as they are now). You can find out more about how we set rents and service charges here

If approved, when would this proposal take effect?

We anticipate that the new structure would take effect in early 2025. This would be followed by a period of integration, and a review of services and how best to utilise both organisations’ services efficiently and cost effectively.

Would the way I contact you change?
Contact details may change as part of the merger. We will be seeking to understand what matters to you in terms of how you contact us and how we communicate. We will give you plenty of notice of any change to these details.
Would I have the same contact at Coastal for example the same Community Housing Officer?

There are no plans for these to change as part of the proposals. However, we would look to introduce improvements and efficiencies, so over time this may change, and we will make sure any new arrangements are communicated effectively

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