Social Value

Whenever we build in a community we are investing in it’s future.

However, at Beacon we like to do more than just build, being part and supporting the local community is key to who we are – these are just some of the ways we are making a difference.

community benefits data 22/23

*Figures 2022/23

Investing in the future workforce

At Beacon we offer opportunities for employment, apprenticeships, and training through our new development projects for individuals within the local community. 

We offer apprentice opportunities both directly and through Cyfle – this is important as it provides training opportunities for people with no previous experience and develops our builders, gas engineers and skilled operatives of the future.

As part of their training the construction apprentices are given the opportunity to work on one of our developments – learning first hand what it’s like to be on the job. 

Other ways we aim to support people to develop valuable skills:

  • On site “construction hub” placements for those new to the sector
  • Summer placements for college or university students
  • Supported training for work related skills
  • Supporting Careers Wales mock interview sessions for Comprehensive School pupils

Working with our communities

We run a number of schemes aimed at supporting and investing in our communities. 

Every time we appoint a contractor to build for us we work with them on what we call a social value project – this means we work with local communities in the areas we build to find projects which may need a bit of extra support. 

Our staff then volunteer alongside, members of the community and the contractors staff to make a difference. 

It’s really important to us that these projects have a positive impact not only on the local community but also where possible the environment too, as this can only be beneficial for the future. 

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Caring about our environment

Beacon really cares about our planet and how what we do impacts on its future and when planning and delivering our builds this is a key factor for us. However we also look at other ways we can make a difference to our environment. 

One way we are doing this is looking at how we can encourage our communities to embrace active travel options.  

Mount Pleasant E-bike scheme support – through our refurbishment of a city centre building we raised funding to help the community group meet their target to get the Ebike scheme started. We called on our contractors’ assistance to install the new shelter, we gave use of the area to the community to make the scheme possible somewhere suitable and our Beacon electricians provided the power to get things going. 

We are also working with a local not for profit organisation on developing low/no maintenance green roofs:

Examples of other environmental projects delivered working with our communities : 

  • Creating green learning spaces 
  • Delivering sustainability sessions for local schools
  • Working with the community to develop a food growing and sharing project
  • Creating new wildlife habitats 

Supporting The Local Economy 

Beacon ensures the money we spend delivers projects supporting both local communities and local business. 

We do this by buying locally, dealing with local contractors, ensuring the investment we make delivers as much benefit for the areas we work in. 

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